‘We’ll never see that again!’

RTL 4 boss Peter van der Vorst comes to his senses. He backs down and will not let Matthijs van Nieuwkerk return to television for the time being. “We’ll probably never see him again.”


Peter van der Vorst, the TV boss of RTL, chooses to give his money’s worth and does not let Matthijs van Nieuwkerk start on RTL 4. An end has been drawn to his new Sunday show that would start in April and to the daily show. that he would make during the Olympic Games. The reason? The pressure from outside.

RTL is backtracking

New information has emerged about Matthijs – about physical and sexual inappropriate behavior – that must first be thoroughly investigated. The presenter himself denies it in a long personal letter (see below), but he is of course not the most reliable party in this whole story.

“We thought Matthijs could make a new start this spring,” says Peter. “We misjudged the timing. This is not the time for Matthijs to return to TV. We came to this conclusion after intensive discussions this weekend. Public accusations and discussions about inappropriate behavior are complex and sensitive.”

Postponement or cancellation?

Peter speaks of ‘postponing cooperation’. “That brings peace. It is now very important that the emphasis is on processing the experiences of the reporters and following up the recommendations in the report. We will determine at a later time how and when RTL and Matthijs will continue together.”

Victor Vlam, the media critic who regularly appears in RTL Boulevard, thinks it will be canceled. “I doubt whether Matthijs will ever be seen on RTL. The damage to our image is truly enormous. And Matthijs’ public denial of the physical intimidation suggests that he did not confess this to Peter van der Vorst. How can you still trust Matthijs?”

Wise decision

It is good that Peter has repented, Victor thinks. “Sensible decision by RTL. Matthijs’ new program would start in about two months. Then the new revelations from Van Rijn’s report are still too fresh in the memory,” he writes X. “I doubt we will ever see Matthijs on TV again.”

He continues: “Peter van der Vorst is also by no means secure in his job. It was always a gamble to work with Matthijs. Internally at RTL there will be many questions about whether Peter was too eager. Stories about physical intimidation were already going around, even though they were not in the Volkskrant.”

‘It says enough’

Ton F. van Dijk, journalist and former channel boss of Nederland 1, thinks that we will no longer see Matthijs on TV. “Sensible and likely adjustment.”

The Hofbar journalist Gershon Osnabrugge finds the course of events significant. “The fact that RTL is only now making this decision says enough. Action is only taken when the pressure becomes too high.”

Journalist Kim van Keken: “As we speak, Jan Slagter is driving towards Almen with a big contract under his arm. Because all that ‘woke stuff’ these days.”

Letter from Matthijs

Matthijs’ letter:
