Well-known Russian human rights activist arrested in Red Square during one-man action | News

Well-known Russian human rights activist Oleg Orlov was arrested on Sunday after holding a one-man protest against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in Moscow’s Red Square.

Orlov is the leader of the now banned human rights group Memorial, which shared a video of him holding a banner before being taken away by police. The sign read: “Our unwillingness to know the truth and our silence make us complicit in this crime.” It is the fourth time Orlov has been arrested in recent times, according to Memorial.

The Russian Supreme Court has definitively banned Memorial at the end of February.

The civil rights portal Ovd-Info reported arrests in Moscow and other cities on Sunday. In Novosibirsk, a protester had dumped blue and yellow paint in front of the mayor’s office. Blue and yellow are the national colors of Ukraine.

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, there were still demonstrations with thousands of participants, but the police crackdown has prevented many from demonstrating.

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