Weighted hair, the most common mistakes not to be made | iO Woman

NoDespite constant washing, does your hair appear weighed down, indeed very often dirty? Usually at the origin of this problem there are the very nature of the hair – if the hair is fine or greasy it is more difficult to keep clean – but also many bad habits. An example? Washing your hair too often.

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Weighted hair, always dirty hair? The 7 mistakes people make

1. Wash them too much

It’s normal, the hair looks dirty and you wash it. But if the hair feels heavy immediately after the umpteenth shampoo, the problem is different. First of all, doing several washes a week is not indicated, because it tends to damage the scalp and consequently weigh down the lengths.

At the same time though you shouldn’t leave too much time between shampoos.

The solution? Trying to wash your hair a couple of times a week would be a good compromise to have clean hair but without stressing it too much. In between shampoos, there’s always the dry version, which helps absorb oil and minimize shine at the roots, if needed.

2. The wrong products can weigh down your hair

It’s the second problem: using the wrong products, especially conditioners and masks. Let’s be clear: the conditioner should be used at each wash but in a minimum quantity and applied on the lengths so as not to grease the skin. The mask, on the other hand, is a treatment to be done once a week.

Both must be chosen specifically for your hairso as not to alter their nature, and must be rinsed very well and, as far as the mask is concerned, the shutter speed must never be exceeded.

3. Using water that is too hot

You don’t think about it, but too hot water damages the hair. High temperatures weaken the scalp and threaten the strength of the hair itself. Better to opt for a lukewarm temperature.

4. Also a matter of cut

While it is true that some hair has a tendency to weigh down, especially super fine hair, it is also true that the right cut can make all the difference. Choose one medium length slightly scaled gives lightness without flattening so as not to give the impression of being weighed down.

A very similar choice must also be made by those who have i naturally oily hair: medium lengths are perfectbetter if scaled at the nape of the neck, and in this case short cuts such as pixies and very short very boyish ones are also recommended.

5. Attention to styling

Hairsprays, foam, dry shampoo, talcum powder should be used sparingly on hair which naturally tends to get heavy. Hairsprays and mousses have inherently heavy formulations that can make your hair appear even stiffer.

A very similar discourse is also the one concerning talcum powder as a beauty remedy to “dry” the scalp. If applied in large quantities, it risks making each hair even more heavy, as it is difficult to comb and remove.

6. Touching your hair too much

Sometimes it’s also a matter of bad habits, or tics perhaps made in a moment of nervousness. The most classic? Keep touching your hair, playing with them, moving them from side to side. These are all behaviors that dirty the mane. Not only that but if handled continuously, the hair tends to become brittle and break, becoming even thinner and heavier.

7. A bad diet

Healthy hair and nutrition are closely linked. The main nutrition of the hair comes in fact through the blood supply of the scalp which receives all the essential nutrients. If the diet is unbalanced, some components will be missing, especially vitamins and amino acids essential for the structure of the crown.

The essentials are the vitamins of group B and C, both present in plant and animal products; essential too proteins, of which the egg is very rich but also some legumes like beans and lentils. Not to forget oily fish such as salmon, source of hydration thanks to the omega 3 which nourishes the scalp and stem giving elasticity. Alternatively, walnuts are suitable.

Two mane-friendly surprise foods? Grana Padano, very rich in vitamins B12, which regulates sebum, and A which helps form keratin; and the dark chocolate very rich in magnesium, essential for hair growth, polyphenols with an anti-aging action and vitamins.

