Weesper identity: ‘this also includes a cargo bike’

Now that Weesp has been part of Amsterdam for a few months, the question arises. What exactly is that identity? In the newly presented policy plan, much attention is paid to preserving the former Weesper identity. Especially now with the arrival of the gigawijk Weespersluis.

‘The population will grow from 21,000 to 30,000 in 10 years’ time,’ says daily director Jan van der Does enthusiastically, standing between the old and the new ones Weesp. ‘Of course this has a lot of impact.’ The board committee, as it is now called in Weesp, has written a policy plan that pays a lot of attention to preserving the Weesper identity.

‘Wesp’s strength lies in its associations,’ says Van der Does, ‘that is why it is important that we meet there.’ But also greeting each other and looking after each other is important to Jan.

‘Orphans must do their best’

‘Not only the new people have to adapt, also the Weespers who have lived here for years,’ says Van der Does, ‘talk to each other in the store, have a chat.’ The new residents of Weespersluis are for the most part Amsterdammers. In the coming period, the Municipality of Amsterdam will make every effort to implement the policy plans.
