Weertse Bianca fights writing for Sinti culture

Yet Bianca Meindhardt literally wrote successes; in 2017 she won the Weerter Heritage Prize after registering with a letter. “It actually all started with my son,” she says. When their caravan at the Poorterhof in Weert was due for replacement, the residents of the caravan camp were given a number of options from Wonen Limburg, from which the cars were rented. One of the options was a new caravan. Ten households at the camp chose that option. According to Bianca, a chalet was then forced on them. “That’s not a caravan, that’s a house. We don’t want that.” De Weertse initially wanted to accept the offer. “He was just three or twenty-four at the time. He said: ‘Mom, I’m ashamed. I’ll have to show my grandchildren on a tablet how we Sintis have lived.’ And big tears trickled down his cheeks.”
