WEER REPORT. Overall cloudy, here and there clear snow Weernieuws

Next night there may be light rain or rain with lots of clouds. Plaatselijk can he grandchildren opklaringen schijnen. The minimum leagues are 3 and 5 degrees in Vlaanderen.

Tomorrow/Wednesday The sky is cloudy with lots of clouds. In the meantime, his grandchildren can move to the south of the country. The maximum temperature is 5 degrees above the Ardense and 9 degrees in the center of the country.

Donderdag There are no clouds in the start, with the door in a rain zone. In the loop of the ochtend wordt het wel al opnieuw droog vanaf de kust en schijnen he opklaringen the zich in the loop of the day to all the routes uitbreiden. The maximum is 6 and 8 degrees.

Vrijdag He also had two sunny periods at night and his grandchildren. Later it was cloudy with the sky over the old road, with a maximum of 6 and 10 degrees.
