WEER REPORT. New rain zone on the island, the area is close to home | Weernieuws

The rain does not have to be a short period of time, so it can be used in a new active rain zone on the land of France. The most liquid is best for the west and the north of the country, the KMI has a value of 10 to 20 liters per square meter.

The day starts with light, the word is on the other floors, but in the morning there is no clouding to be seen in the fringes no rain. It is now 5 degrees above the Ardense relief and 10 degrees over the west.

This means that the most important thing is that it is not possible to get the best result from it West and north of the country (10 to 20 liters per square meter). In the Zuidoostelijke the country helps in the light rain vallen. The minimum distance is 3 degrees in the Ardennes and 7 degrees at sea.

Grandchildren in enkele Waalse provinces – names, Luxembourg and Luik – wordt with code geel gewaarschuwd voor wateroverlast.

He said that there was a strong wind in the direction of the wind. It has a wind speed of up to 60 kilometers per hour and over 70 kilometers per hour, reports the KMI.

Weekend brengt vrieskou en zon

Tomorrow it will be cloudy at first and later the grandchildren will arrive. The canopy is the largest in the south of the country. Het blijft op de meeste plaatsen droog, op een bui na. Het wordt eater met nog maxima tussen 4 degrees in the High Ardennes and 7 graden elders.

Zaterdag wordt het nog wat kouder en zondag zou het kwik zelfs niet meer boven het vriespunt uitkomen. He followed then which drug and zonnige dagen.

KIJK OOK. Beelden tonen hoe windhoos over Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver en Putte trekt
