WEER REPORT. Knowingly cloudy day, kwik stijgt dead 23 degrees | Weernieuws

Morning wordt het zonnig with high cloud clouds. The word is warm for the years in the year with a maximum of 20 of 21 grades in the High Ardennes and 22 of 23 grades elders with local 24 grades in the south west.

Wednesday The opnieuw vrij zonnig with high and middelhighe wolkenvelden with maximum round 22 to 23 degrees in the center.

Donderdag There is a clear zone over the land (across the north), although it is cloudy it is on the toe regent. Sea to the south lijkt het drugger te zullen blijven. The maximum is 20 degrees in the center.

Vrijdag It’s sunny with even high and medium clouds. There is a new rain zone in the west of the country. The air flow is ideally designed to reach a maximum of 25 degrees locally.
