WEER REPORT. King winter is knocking on the doorstep: the first thing you can do is the smelting snow, the sun is shining, the sun is shining | Weernieuws

There was a lot of rain and grey, it was still a few months away, sunny days. And they’re coming too! Het wordt wel opvallend kouder. The thickness of the jacket is very strong. Tomorrow we’ll have to wait until the snow melts.

Vandaag It’s still cloudy the last day, with light rain from what rain on the tussenpozen in Vlaanderen. In the High Ardennes there was snow before the melting snow and later snow. The maximum was reached in the beginning of the day and 2 degrees above the Ardense hoogten, 5 degrees in the center and 7 degrees on the sea. There was a strong north-west wind.

KIJK. This is what weerman David Dehenauw gisteren zei over het weer van de komende dagen

Mogelijk smeltende snow

Van night blijft het betrokken with nog steeds zeer clear neerslag, vooral in de oostelijke helps van the land. The snow was always on the front of the light snow and smelting snow, also in Vlaanderen. Aan de kust zijn he grandchildren regenbuien mogelijk. Minima tussen 0 of -1 degrees in the Ardennes, 0 tot +1 degrees in the center and 2 and 5 degrees in the west. It is a wind on the sea from the strong northerly wind, later northerly north wind.

Tomorrow/zondday It’s just now cloudy and there’s still some light snow in the Ardennes and lots of melting snow for the elders. In the loop of the day he is sent to the public, before going to Vlaanderen. The maximum is -1 degree on the high veins, +1 of +2 degrees in the center and tot +4 degrees on the sea. The wind is strong, on the sea, strong, from the northern direction.

Zonnig weer

And then we’ll take a long time to dry it out for a few days of vitamin D before filling it up, and it’ll be baked in a long time. Maandag It’s still cloudy, but in the morning it will be clear from the north. The word is a small number with a maximum of 0 and -5 degrees.

Tuesday and Wednesday follow sunny days. Tuesday It is now, after a short night, when the temperatures are sunny in most regions, but there are no clouds or temperatures of -3 and -1 degrees. A pleasantly named north-east wind that is still strengthening. Okay Wednesday We’re going to have the same area in a maximum radius of +1 degree in the center. The wind blows slightly towards the north east.

Donderdag This can be easily seen from the top of the mountain in the clouds in the north of the country. The maximum can vary from 0 to +4 degrees, with a slight wind in the north-east wind.

Vrijdag blijft het droog maar neemt de clouding waarschijnlijk toe. The maximum is +3 degrees in the center. It is a two-way wind.

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