Weekly Horoscope: Aries, use your charms

A brand new (future) weekly horoscope is ready for you. This week from 9 to 15 May 2022.

Viola RobbemondtMay 4, 20229:00 am

Taurus 21-4 to 20-5

You have charisma and bring more than just a good atmosphere in company. Creative ideas get acclaim when you bring them in scents and colors. Organize a meeting, you are the perfect hostess and an inspired speaker.

Gemini 21-5 to 21-6

Even the most adventurous Gemini is happy to be home now. Don’t run from disagreement, know that it is unthinkable to argue with someone you don’t care about. Learn from it, about yourself and about love. Tell at work what your wishes are, they will come true.

Capricorn 21-12 to 19-1

Just pull the sander, brushes and rolls of wallpaper out of the closet and browse the furniture stores. Venus encourages Capricorn to update home and heart. Relationships are going remarkably well. Ask more often, “What can I do for you?”

Scale 23-9 to 22-10

You take the initiative for good company and make new friends – they live just around the corner! A puppy or kitten brings you even closer to the neighbors. Also give business contacts the necessary attention and put important data in the digital agenda as well as in the paper agenda.

Cancer 22-6 to 22-7

You invest, and not just in people. Where does savings become worth more? Trust your inner sense of security and follow your heart. No time for rest? Consciously plan in more hours for it. Me time is a choice.

Aquarius 20-1 to 18-2

Eye contact is often much more intimate than words. Stare into each other’s eyes for four minutes, what comes out of that? Teaching, being taught or doing research now gives you satisfaction. Are you forgetting the time? Set the alarm!

Scorpio 23-10 to 21-11

The lunar eclipse in your own sign turns the world upside down. What all falls out of your pockets? Now beware of arguing and sharp words. Rather, seek distraction by giving your body a massage.

Leo 23-7 to 22-8

Meetings are the start of fun experiences. Inspiration in (or from) another country gives wings to plans. Romantic Leos get what they like. Enjoy it lying down, on that new chaise longue for example.

Fish 19-2 to 20-3

The Pisces is obsessed with her wallet: what comes in and what flies out? Fortunately, there is good news, numbers on the bank are growing. Work on your self-esteem, don’t let it depend on what someone else says.

Aries 21-3 to 20-4

The heart of the popular Aries is now on fire, but extinguishes just as quickly. Don’t take strong emotions too seriously. Cherish that innocent aura and use your charms. Take time to play. Game of bluff poker, anyone?

Virgo 23-8 to 22-9

Find people who make you feel good. Virgo gains more confidence in herself, knows how to make friends and (re)discovers love! You fall for completely different types than before: it takes some getting used to that the hippie now fits better than the one in that tight suit.

Sagittarius 22-11 to 20-12

The Sagittarius mixes love with creativity and ventures out, perhaps even to places even she has never been. Jitters in your stomach? Think of them as a push from within. Your smile attracts the nicest people.

Predictions by astrologer Viola Robbemondt.

May 4, 2022
