Weekly figures: lowest number of new corona cases in a month | Inland

The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) reports every Tuesday how many positive corona tests have been registered in the previous seven days. On Tuesday, those weekly figures will be released for the 86th time. Last week, the institute reported that it had received 493,055 reports of positive tests in one week. That was 22 percent less than the week before.

Just over 275,000 positive tests have been recorded in the six days since the latest figures. This means that the weekly total can amount to 300,000 to 325,000. That would be a drop of 35 to 40 percent. Closing the test streets due to the storms of recent days will not have much effect on that figure, RIVM and GGD expect.

RIVM also reports the number of hospital admissions in the past week on Tuesday. Last week, 1,149 people were hospitalized in seven days with Covid-19, the disease caused by the corona virus. Of them, 88 ended up in an intensive care unit. In the same seven days, RIVM had received a message that 78 people had died as a result of the corona infection.
