Week of Drenthe: hundreds of shelters and the NAM is for sale

The Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) is for sale. This week it was announced that one of the larger employers in Drenthe is going up for sale, if it is up to owners Shell and ExxonMobil.

The province of Drenthe will make every effort to maintain employment and the ongoing claims settlement, should the sale become final. Deputy Tjisse Stelpstra also wants to talk to the new owner. The NAM is being sold, because Shell and ExxonMobil think they can get a good price because of the high gas prices. The expected sales price is more than a billion euros.

Secondary schools have started again, with a completely new education at RSG Wolfsbos in Hoogeveen: the ICT Lyceum. Wolfsbos is starting this to make the transition from secondary school to MBO, HBO or university easier. According to the school, the dropout rate is extremely high because students do not yet fully understand what is coming their way during their further education. “We hope to make a contribution by giving them a good basis”, says coordinator of the training, Ineke Baks.

Due to the rising prices, greenhouse horticulturists are sounding the alarm. They barely keep their heads above water, like in Erica. They will switch off the heaters there next winter, with consequences for the lily-like cut flower alstroemeria’, says flower grower Rick Melenhorst. “I expect that the plants will survive. The flower is originally from South America. It can also be cold there in the mountains.” Production will drop. Melenhorst expects to have flowers again in May next year.

The official kick-off of the national MBO school year is in Hoogeveen. Minister Rob Jetten is present and has a message: MBO students are needed more than ever. “The tasks we face in the Netherlands will only succeed with good professionals who go to work in the climate industry.”

And this week it became clear that all Drenthe municipalities will take action against the shortage of reception places for asylum seekers. Together they will provide 450 extra shelters for crisis emergency care. Where exactly, that has yet to be announced.
