‘Wedding with Andre? All such nonsense!’

Monique Westenberg denies the persistent gossip that a love reunion and wedding with André Hazes Jr. should have been the final of his docuseries. “Such nonsense!”

© Videoland

A week and a half ago, Monique Westenberg surprised friend and foe with her candid performance in the five-part documentary series by her (ex-) lover André Hazes Jr. In the last episode of that series, André indicated that he would like to try it again with Monique, to which she again indicated that she was ‘too afraid’ for that at the moment.

Monique gives an interview

Shortly after that documentary series, André turned out to have already dumped his last fling Sarah Salah. He would then have been kicked out of the house by his hysterical mother Rachel and returned to Monique’s arms.

Coincidentally, the new one is tomorrow Beau Monde in the store containing a large interview with Monique, which was presumably conducted a month ago. That seems like a short time ago, but in André’s world you may have already proposed to three women and perhaps dumped even more. In other words, it doesn’t say much.

‘Does not work with André’

Monique says in the magazine firmly that there is no longer a reunion with André. “We have both said that we are each other’s great love, but also that it no longer works between us. Too much has happened and we have a different perspective for the future. I’m halfway through my life and just want to feel calm and have a good time in that second half.”

She continues: “We love each other, but I think the form we’ve found now – as mom and dad – brings us all three a lot more. Suppose we did start something together again and it doesn’t work again. Then you have to disappoint your child again, we don’t want to do that to him again.”

new guy

In fact: Monique indicates that she is open to a new guy. “I do wish myself a nice new partner, and I wish André it too; someone with whom we find stability, security and peace. And I especially hope that we can have fun together, as I have seen with my parents and their new partners.”

If Mo has a new guy, can she still live in André’s house? “Now that we have separated, we have agreed that it is best for the little one that we continue to live here together, because it is a pleasant and safe environment,” says the influencer, who emphasizes that she herself is always “financially independent.” ‘ has been.

In fact: “I plan to buy something myself, not to live there, but to invest. So no, I am not financially dependent.”


What is true about the rumors that Monique herself called the paparazzo who ‘caught’ her and André in Florida? “It has even been said that André was angry with me because I had called the media. We laughed together about those messages, because we both know very well that’s not the case.”

So all in all, there’s no wedding coming up? Yvonne Coldeweijer and Evert Sankrediets state that André’s docu was supposed to end with that. “Yeah, that was all such nonsense.”

Sneer to Yvonne

Finally, Monique seems to give a spicy sneer to Yvonne. “I recently posted two boat trips in a week and they wrote (Yvonne, ed.) that I was cheating on a boat from André. Where do you get it from? (…) Such a juice channel apparently gets satisfaction from spreading untruths.”

Dan: “That person probably doesn’t have children of their own and doesn’t realize how intense the reactions can be. Sometimes I also think: come and have a cup of coffee and start a conversation with me. I think you talk about me very differently then. If you can be so ugly about others, I think you must have some serious issues yourself.”

Yvonne responds

What does Yvonne think about this interview? She says: “Obviously you understand that this is a monthly magazine and interviews for these types of magazines were done weeks ago. I was on the cover myself a few months ago, and when it was published, the interview was about four weeks old. In Hazes weeks, of course, that makes a difference between day and night.”

The new Beau Monde will be in stores from tomorrow.
