Wedding party in gold, diamond and brilliant: ‘Nothing in the first six months’

The average age in the village hall in Lieshout was well above 75 years on Tuesday afternoon. All couples who had a wedding anniversary in 2021 of gold (50 years), diamond (60 years) or brilliant (65 years) came together for a party of the municipality of Laarbeek. And that resulted in a lot of loving looks and kisses. A portrait of three couples, still in love.

Due to corona, the wedding party was postponed for a year. In 2021, no fewer than 111 couples were married for 50, 60 or 65 years in Aarle-Rixtel, Beek en Donk and Lieshout (municipality of Laarbeek). Of these, 83 came to toast their anniversary together with the mayor and Wim Daniëls.

Married 50 years: ‘The first half was nothing to do’

Frans and Betsie Coppens (photo: Noël van Hooft)
Frans and Betsie Coppens (photo: Noël van Hooft)

After fifty years, Frans and Betsie Coppens still kiss. Still, it wasn’t an instant wedding. “I didn’t like it in the first half. He didn’t do what I asked,” says Betsie. Yet it was never thought of breaking up. “I am of the old-fashioned stamp, once married is married. Then you stay together, in good and bad times,” says Frans.

And they have also experienced those bad times in the past two years. And just then Betsie was there for Frans. “That’s what makes her so much fun. I had a cardiac arrest and she took great care of me.” And before that, she was always there for Frans. “I’m a busy bee, away from home a lot to volunteer and she’s always accepted that.”

And Frans enriches Betsie’s life by involving her in everything. “He pulls me everywhere. He will never go alone, he always asks if I’m coming.” The first half of the year was a bit of a struggle, but after that it turned out okay, Betsie concluded.

60 years married: ‘I don’t think I can find a better one’

Jo and Theo van den Biggelaar (photo: Noël van Hooft)
Jo and Theo van den Biggelaar (photo: Noël van Hooft)

Theo and Jo van den Biggelaar have been together for over sixty years. “It’s not that difficult at all”, is the first reaction from Jo. And according to her, that’s because Theo is always so funny. “That makes him fun.” And why Jo is so nice, Theo also knows: “Because she has always been away from home”, he says with a very big smile. “She’s been gone for about 30 years, so I’ve only been married for 30 years.”

“I did a lot of volunteer work and was therefore away from home a lot”, Jo quickly clarifies. “But I’ve also been home a lot.” Both never thought of quitting. “I don’t think I can find a better one anywhere,” Theo says in his Brabant style. Jo adds: “It’s give and take, more giving than taking. Remember that.”

And a kiss? “We will certainly still do that, but then we will always have the curtains closed, no one can see that,” says Theo. Yet two seconds later, in a packed party room, Jo gets a big kiss from him.

65 years married: ‘Another kiss every night’

Mia and Kees Verheijden (photo: Noël van Hooft)
Mia and Kees Verheijden (photo: Noël van Hooft)

There is only one couple who celebrated their 65th anniversary and that is Mia and Kees Verheijen. “We’ve been married for 66 and a half years now,” Mia begins. She was eighteen when she said yes. “I can easily keep it up,” says Kees. The man is now in a wheelchair and according to Mia that is also the secret of their marriage. “He can’t leave,” she laughs.

They never thought about quitting. “What are you supposed to do then? All those people who are divorced and have looked for something else, also come across something that they don’t like. Make something of it, fight for it, that’s what I would say”, Mia says, looking at Kees with a glint in her eyes. “I still care a lot about him. And every night we give each other another kiss, otherwise he won’t go to sleep.”
