Webshops are testing a vignette against abuse when returning | Money

Customers often order luxury products such as jewelry, which they wear for a while and then return them, brands online stores

Customers often order luxury products such as jewelry, which they wear for a while and then return them, brands online stores

EDE (ANP/DFT) – Buying a new blouse or necklace online and sending it back after an evening of wear will soon no longer be available at several online stores. They want to prevent abuse of the return options and are therefore going to attach special labels to products. If you remove this so-called return vignette, you cannot simply return an item. Web shops that participate include reiswieg.nl, boumanonline.nl, bartogi.nl and birckenstockonline.nl. These are entrepreneurs who mainly sell jewellery, clothing and shoes, from larger parties to the somewhat smaller webshop.
