Webinar: understanding what Collaborative Learning is and its benefits

Webinar: understanding what Collaborative Learning is and its advantages – Siècle Digital

Webinars > Human ressources > Webinar: understanding what Collaborative Learning is and its benefits

This webinar is an opportunity to learn more about this solution that can support your training strategy.

By 360Learning
05/25/2022 at 10:00 a.m.

Digital tools are gradually transforming learning. They have contributed to the emergence of collaborative learning. Concretely, it is about learning with and thanks to others. The objective is to favor exchanges between experts or collaborators in order to acquire new skills in a specific field.

On Wednesday May 25, 2022 at 10 a.m., 360 Learning, the collaborative learning specialist, will discuss the concept of collaborative learning in detail. The company has developed a platform revolving around this form of learning. Mathieu Sabadie, Account Executive Mid and Large market at 360 Learning, will tell you how it works. The expert will also come back to the advantages of collaborative learning for a company. He will answer all your questions on the subject. He will explain how this solution can transform your training strategy.

The webconference on Wednesday, May 25 will take place in two stages:

  • Explanation and demonstration of the platform;
  • Some examples of use cases.

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