Webinar: making a name for yourself on the labor market of major French cities thanks to digital skills

Webinar: finding a place in the labor market of major French cities thanks to digital skills – Siècle Digital

Webinars > Marketing > Webinar: making a name for yourself in the job market of major French cities thanks to digital skills

This is an opportunity to understand the importance of marketing/communication skills to find a place on the job market in Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon and Paris.

05/13/2022 at 12:30 p.m.

Today, companies are looking for profiles who master the workings of digital. The goal is to help them develop their online presence, get to know their customers better through data and manage their e-reputation more effectively. In a context of digitalisation, these are crucial qualities. On Friday May 13, 2022 at 12:30 p.m., EFAP is organizing a webinar on this subject. The goal is to help you understand the need for marketing and digital communication skills in order to boost your employability in major French cities.

Three speakers will lead this webinar. Vincent Montet, Founder-Director of the DMB MBAs and Vice-President of the Digital Economy Association (ACSEL), Sophie Guignier, Deputy Director of the DMB MBAs and Arnault Chatel, Pedagogical Manager of the DMB MBAs.

Here are the four main themes that will be discussed during this webconference on May 13, 2022:

  • How did Covid-19 tip us into the Next Economy? ;
  • What essential business skills in Marketing/Com? ;
  • What soft skills are essential in this sector? ;
  • What role for the network and the local ecosystem in the digital world?

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