Webinar: how to implement an effective acquisition strategy?

Webinar: how to implement an effective acquisition strategy? – Century Digital

Webinars > > Webinar: how to implement an effective acquisition strategy?

During this one-hour webconference, discover the best practices to stand out from the competition and acquire new customers more easily.

By PayPlug & Sendinblue
On 06/09/2022 at 10:00 a.m.

On Thursday June 9, 2022, PayPlug, an omnichannel payment solution and Sendinblue, a French digital marketing and customer relationship platform, are organizing an online event for SMEs. Several themes will be discussed, including that of the acquisition strategy. Indeed, acquiring, converting and retaining customers is a real challenge, particularly in a competitive environment.

To dissect this subject, three experts will participate in this webinar:

  • Laurie Guibert, Head of Performance at Spark, a digital marketing consulting agency;
  • Céline Lopes, Team Lead Customer Success at Sendcloud, an all-in-one shipping platform;
  • Pierre Youenou, CRO at Silvr, a financing platform for digital companies.

The specialists will use their experience and expertise to offer you a wealth of advice. They will come back to the basics of a good acquisition and conversion strategy. They will discuss the risks, the channels to be favored and the question of the budget.
