Webinar: business data, the key element to maximize Google Ads AI

Webinar: business data, the key element to maximize Google Ads AI – Siècle Digital

Webinars > Marketing > Webinar: business data, the key element to maximize Google Ads AI

During this webinar, Yumens will reveal many tips to improve your conversion rate.

By Yumens
On 05/12/2022 at 09:30

Yumens, the digital strategy consulting agency, is organizing a webinar to help you understand how to increase your return on investment (ROI). This notably involves feeding the algorithms of marketing platforms based on the final transformation. The experts will reveal to you the importance of aligning your marketing strategy and your business challenges to improve your conversion rate. The event will be held on Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 9:30 a.m.

This webinar will be hosted by Arnaud Prely, EFIK Sales Engineer at Yumens and Myriam Feniou, Regional Director within the company. The two speakers will be accompanied by Margaux Bébin, Agency Development at Google. They will provide you with the best practices for exploiting data business.

Here is the program of this webconference organized by Yumens:

  • What are the impacts & challenges of smart bidding (smart bidding strategies)? ;
  • Which tool for lead transformation?
  • A question and answer session with the guest.

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