Weatherwind: Adoption from abroad only under stricter conditions | news item

News item | 11-04-2022 | 12:06

In the future, the adoption of children from abroad to the Netherlands will only be possible for children for whom suitable care cannot be provided in the country of origin. Stricter conditions will be attached to adoptions. That is what Minister Weerwind for Legal Protection wrote to the House of Representatives today. This gives children the opportunity to grow up in a family. At the same time, the criticism of the Joustra Committee is taken to heart by setting up a new adoption system with extra guarantees.

The interest of the child is central

Minister Franc Weerwind:

“For me, the best interests of the child are always paramount. That is why I have decided to only make adoption possible for children from abroad if it benefits the child. I attach stricter conditions to this, in order to minimize the risk of abuses. I realize that this is a very sensitive subject and that this decision is not what everyone was hoping for. I will continue to talk to all parties to work out these plans as well as possible and to implement them.”

Commission Joustra

In February 2021, adoptions from abroad were suspended following the conclusions of the Joustra Commission, which was investigating abuses in intercountry adoption in the past. One of the conclusions was that the current system still contains inherent vulnerabilities and that the risk of abuses is therefore still there.

The best interests of the child are paramount for all parties, but opinions differ on how this is best served. Is it in the best interests of the child if the Netherlands decides to no longer be part of the system of intercountry adoption in which abuses can take place, or is that interest better served if a child that is not or is poorly cared for finds safe accommodation in the Netherlands? ? After weighing up the dilemmas, perspectives and interests, the minister has decided to allow adoption from abroad only under strict conditions.

Stricter conditions

The government will attach stricter conditions to the adoptions from abroad that will follow. For example, Minister Weerwind has decided to bring the mediation together in one mediation organization with increased government authority, instead of with four different private parties. Furthermore, cooperation with countries of origin will be terminated if they are deemed to be able to provide suitable reception themselves or if they make too little effort to do so. Supervision will also be strengthened. An overview of the conditions is included in the letter to the House of Representatives.

The Netherlands will provide support to contribute to good care for children in the countries of origin. International cooperation will also be strengthened.

The minister will inform the House at a later date about the further elaboration of these decisions.
