Weatherman Piet Paulusma (65) died of cancer

Weatherman Piet Paulusma passed away on Sunday afternoon at the age of 65. That’s what Omroep MAX, where he worked, has on Sunday announced on behalf of his family. Paulusma had had cancer for quite some time, but chose not to tell it openly. In recent days, the popular weatherman has deteriorated sharply, according to Omroep MAX. He died in hospital in Leeuwarden.

Paulusma started his career in 1985 at Omrop Fyslân. Eleven years later, he switched to SBS6, where he presented the weather daily for 23 years from a varying outdoor location – sometimes in the pouring rain. De Fries gained national fame with his bouncer “oant moarn”, Frisian for “see you tomorrow”. In 2019, Paulusma and SBS6 split up. The channel was ready for “something new”.

Since January 2020, Paulusma has worked for Omroep MAX. He provided a daily item in the Time for MAX program. The weatherman could also be heard twice a day on NPO Radio 5. “As long as it went on, he wanted to continue working,” says Omroep MAX director Jan Slagter.

Tuesday broadcasts the channel Time for MAX pays tribute to Paulusma, entitled Oant Moarn† In January this year, the father of four children was appointed Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau for his commitment to his home province of Friesland and numerous charities.
