WEATHER REPORT. Vandaag “hoogtepunt van hittegolf”, that’s why it’s onweer: also the following week buien en onweer mogelijk | Weernieuws

The following night it was whispering dead with two clouds. Vooral on middernacht you need de kans op buien en zelfs een onweer toe. The building well is first to the south of Samber and the Maas, but the door to the night is also different from the building. The minimum required is 15 and 22 degrees.

morning follow opklaringen, maar also wolkenvelden met buien en mogelijk onweer. The code oranje for the hit is then not long in force.

In the center of the country there is still hittegolf during the middle of the week. Het wordt he was less warm, maar de maximum blijven higher than 25 degrees. On the coast in the Ardennes, it will be around tomorrow or on the 25th degree, what will be met and what will happen in the golf course in this stretch.

Tuesday remains before ornamelijk droog. In the loop van de dag disappear stacked clouds, left and right can het gaan rain. The maxima climbing in the central provinces weer near 28 degrees.

Weekdays and Thursdays are expected. Wednesday Krijgen we een two-clouds hemel met kans op buien en onweer. The maximum temperatures must be 26 and 27 degrees. Thursday beeps de zon tussen de buien tevoorschijn. The maxima halen op de most plekken net geen 25 degrees. In the hele country is the hittegolf in Voorbij.

If the result is that there will be a lot of hits, then the KMI will have some hit tips on the hair site. So we will be able to drink regularly, there will be no clothes, then there will be closed doors, there will be small windows and small windows in the houses. Verder adviseert het KMI om voldoende schaduw and drinkwater voor dieren te voorzien and voorzichtig te zijn met vuur in de natuur.
