Weather in Germany calms down – warning of ice in the mountains

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – After the passage of several storm lows, the night from Monday to Tuesday was largely calm despite the windy weather. The German Weather Service (DWD) continues to warn of storms for parts of Germany, especially on the North Sea coast and in the mountains. Overall, however, the situation has calmed down somewhat compared to the past few days.

Deutsche Bahn reported that there could still be impairments, especially in the north, at least until Tuesday. Train cancellations and delays must be expected. On many routes, especially in the northern half of the country, the storms, most recently the “Antonia” storm, caused damage on the routes, for example from fallen trees. The clean-up work was going on.

In Hesse, late Monday evening, there was a traffic accident on a country road in the Hochtaunus district with two minor injuries when a tree was probably tipped onto the road as a result of the stormy weather and was overlooked by a driver. She crashed her car into the tree and then into another car. In Saxony-Anhalt, a truck on the federal road 81 in the direction of Halberstadt was hit by a strong wind, and it overturned in the ditch near Magdeburg on Monday afternoon, as the police announced on Tuesday morning. There were no injuries.

According to the DWD, due to fresh snow in the mountains on Tuesday, areas with ice have to be expected. There is also light frost, especially at altitudes of 600 meters and above.

In addition, it remains windy. Initially, a moderate to fresh wind should be expected in the eastern half, and from midday also in the western half. In Ben he could be strong, occasionally also stormy./kko/DP/zb
