WEATHER FORECAST. Sunny start to the week with temperatures up to 29 degrees, code orange from Wednesday due to impending heat wave | Weather news

It will be sunny again today with a chance of some cumulus clouds during the day, especially in the northwest and the north of the country. The maximums are around 23 or 24 degrees at the Ardennes altitudes, between 25 and 27 degrees in the center and around 28 or even 29 degrees in Belgian Lorraine.

At the sea, the mercury does not rise above 22 degrees, thanks to a cooling wind from the north to the northeast. The wind is also weak to moderate inland from north to northeast, the RMI reports.

This evening the cumulus clouds dissolve and tonight the sky will become as good as clear. The minimums are between 9 degrees in the Ardennes and 16 degrees in Belgian Lorraine. In the Ardennes valleys, the mercury can drop a little deeper locally. The wind will be light to moderate from the north, veering to the northeast. At the sea and on the southern flank of the Ardennes the wind blows moderately.

Tomorrow it will be sunny with at most a few cumulus clouds in Lower and Central Belgium or a few high cloud veils. The mercury reaches summer values ​​with maximums of 22 degrees at the sea, 25 or 26 degrees in the high Ardennes, 28 degrees in the center and 30 degrees in Belgian Lorraine. The wind blows moderately and at times quite strong at the sea from northeast to northeast.

Code orange

Temperatures will rise to 25 degrees or more in many places from yesterday until the end of the week. In the middle of the week we expect maximums of more than 30 degrees in many regions. At the end of the coming week and/or next weekend, the mercury could reach the 35-degree mark or even exceed it locally. In the coastal region it will remain cooler during the first part of the week. Based on these expectations, it is therefore very likely that the interior will end up in a heat wave from yesterday or today (depending on the region).

That is why the RMI issues a yellow warning for the following days. This heat wave could continue into the following weekend. Since the RMI expects maximums of more than 32 degrees before the end of the week, the warning will be scaled up to orange for the interior from Wednesday.
