WEATHER FORECAST. Mostly dry weather with strong winds | Weather news

It will be largely dry on Monday with still a lot of cloud. In the morning there may be some clear spells over the northwest of the country. In the afternoon this is earlier on the Ardennes heights. We reach maximums of 7 degrees in the High Fens to 11 or 12 degrees in Flanders. The moderate southwest wind sometimes becomes quite strong with gusts of 50 to 60 km/h. The wind at the sea is strong with gusts of around 70 km/h or slightly more in the afternoon, the RMI reports.

Monday evening and night it will again be heavily cloudy in all regions with an increasing chance of drizzle or light rain. The minimum temperatures are between 4 degrees in the High Fens and 9 degrees in Lower and Central Belgium. There is a moderate southwest wind with peaks around 50 or 55 km/h. At the sea the wind is quite strong to strong with peaks around 65 km/h.

Tuesday We expect a lot of clouds and intermittent light rain or drizzle. The maximum temperatures fluctuate between 5 or 6 degrees in the High Ardennes, 11 degrees in the center and 12 degrees in the west. The west-southwest wind usually increases to quite strong and on the coast to strong or very strong. Gusts between 60 and 80 km/h are possible.
