Weather forecast: Lots of sun and beautiful temperatures, tomorrow a little warmer | NOW

With a temperature of 21 to 25 degrees, it will be a wonderful day on Tuesday. Tomorrow it will be a few degrees warmer. This is followed by rain and thunderstorms that (temporarily) dissipate the heat.

The temperature rises quickly in the morning. The wind is weak and coming from the southwest.

In the afternoon the wind will turn from southwest to south(east) and will be weak or moderate in strength. Warm air is supplied with this wind. It will be 21 degrees in the Wadden Sea to 25 degrees in Brabant, Limburg and Gelderland.

In the evening it remains warm for a long time. In the night to Wednesday it will remain dry and clear. The minimums are between 11 degrees in Groningen and 15 degrees in Zeeland.

View the full weather forecast at your location here. You will always find the weather forecast at the top of the front page.
