Weather, forecast for weekend 6-8 October 2023

According to data collected by the European Copernicus agency, 2023 will become the hottest year ever

Riccardo Cristilli

Summer 2023 continues and it is also eaten in autumn. October has now begun and high pressure accompanied by heat is not letting go of Italy and Europe.

weekend weather forecast

The forecast for weekend of October 6-8 but next week is also full of sunshine. If you were thinking of making a change of season, it is best to organize a trip to the seaside. High pressure is very strong over Europeas Andrea Garbinato of explains, the pressure value 500hPa will be found at 6000 meters, a situation that occurs in the worst summer heat waves. If it had happened in the middle of summer it would have reached 40 degrees in Paris and London and 46 in Spain. Luckily it’s October and the longer, cooler nights bring temperatures to 36-38 degrees in Spain and 25-26 in England. However, an anomalous level for the period.

the expected time

The situation is not destined to change and the peak in Italy will be in the near future Sunday 8th and Monday 9th with 32-33 degrees expected

in Ferrara, Florence and Rovigo, while 31-32 degrees should be reached between Terni, Oristano, Lecce, Agrigento, 30th also in Rome, a figure already reached last Tuesday and a record since 1990. Much of Europe has temperatures 12-14 degrees above the average for the period. On the day of Friday good weather and summer heat is expected practically across the entire north and centre, in the south there could be rain in the Potenza area. The situation is similar for the rest of the weekend with little rain that could affect Calabria. Temperatures will also rise at the beginning of next week with at least 8 degrees above the average for the period.

the Po Valley covered in smog

This period of High pressure and stability is not good for Po Valley which, seen from satellite images, has a dark color due to the layer of smog that is not swept away by disturbances. In Milan and Turin the PM10 and PM2.5 thresholds have been widely exceeded, car and fumes from production activities make the air increasingly unbreathable. This is also why in Emilia Romagna there is a succession of ordinances to reduce the use of cars, from eco-friendly Sundays in Bologna to the blocking of the most polluting vehicles in Mantua.

Meanwhile theEuropean Copernicus agency in its monthly climate bulletin, it ruled that September 2023 was the hottest month on Earth since measurements with 1.75 degrees higher compared to the average 1850-1900, the pre-industrial era. 2023 is thus preparing to become the hottest year on the planet. Europe is the worst off with a temperature 2.5° higher than the September average of the last 30 years and 1.1° higher than the previous record of 2020.
