Weather forecast for March for Zoetermeer: ​​’We can expect spring-like temperatures’

‘March stirs its tail’ is a well-known saying among meteorologists. This means that it can sometimes still be very wintery in March. Does that also apply in Zoetermeer this year?

According to Matthijs van der Linden, meteorologist at Weatheronline, it can go either way. The wind direction plays the most important role in both the weather and the temperature in March.”

Back at the beginning of March

What exactly does that mean for the weather in Zoetermeer? Well, at the beginning of March there are unfortunately not such beautiful days as the end of February. “The first day of the month it is even quite gloomy in the north and west and a little rain can fall. The following days it will be mostly dry. At 7 to 11 degrees, the temperature is very normal,” says Matthijs.

Wind determines the weather

But will there finally be spring weather in Zoetermeer? That depends on the wind direction. Because small changes can still lead to a northerly current and that could give us cold and gray weather. This is mainly because the cold North Sea is still 7 degrees and is only slowly warming up.

Spring in Zoetermeer

There is also hopeful news, as winds from the south at the end of March could result in spring-like temperatures of more than 15 degrees. Matthijs: “Who knows, we might get 20 degrees on the first warm day.” So just to be sure, get your picnic blanket from the attic!

Zoetermeer Weather

You can do this with good weather:
