Weather forecast for February: chance of winter showers and frost in Zoetermeer

Are you a winter or skating fanatic? Then there is good news for you! There is a chance that real winter weather will visit Zoetermeer in February. This is what Jaco van Wezel, meteorologist at

Jaco: “February starts with very mild weather. West to southwest winds bring mild air from the Atlantic Ocean. During the day it is about 10 degrees and the temperatures are also very mild at night. Some nights it is barely colder than during the day.”

Chance of inclement winter weather

But according to Jaco, that mild weather disappears by mid-February. Then there may be a transition to inclement weather. “Exactly how cold it will become is still uncertain, but the very mild weather we are experiencing now will disappear. This will probably be replaced by a fresh northwest or north wind. The chance of precipitation remains high and that means there is also a chance of winter showers.”

Ice skating?

Would you like to skate on natural ice again this winter? According to Jaco, there is still hope for you: “The chance of frost clearly increases at the end of February. Several weather models then allude to dry northeasterly winds, which could cause frost.” So don’t put away your skates and winter coat just yet.

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