Weather forecast for Easter: ‘Great chance of spring-like temperatures’

Can we look for eggs in the garden in the sun at Easter? Or do we have to paint eggs inside because of the rain? Rico Schröder, meteorologist at Weeronline, provides the redeeming answer.

“The expectations are still uncertain, but a soaking wet or cold Easter does not seem to be an issue. There is a great chance of spring-like temperatures of 14 to 18 degrees with regular sunshine,” says Rico.

Coldest and warmest Easter

Those are pleasant temperatures, but it can also be very different during Easter. For example, the average maximum temperature in 2011 was 25 degrees on both Easter days on April 24 and 25. The mercury could also go the other way, because on March 29 and 30, 1964 it only became 4.2 degrees. Easter 2013 was also cold with an average of 5.9 degrees over both days.

Easter in Zoetermeer

This year it is not so cold, so you can go outside for a walk after Easter brunch. Need some hiking inspiration? Then check this article. Cycling is of course also possible!

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