WEATHER FORECAST. Flooding and mudslides in Landen and Limburg: dance festival Extrema Outdoor asks to postpone arrival until 7 pm or later | Instagram HLN

In several places in our country there is flooding due to heavy rainfall. The crisis cell is located together in the Flemish Brabant municipality of Landen. There the station was completely under water and there are mudslides. Train traffic between Hasselt and Tongeren has been interrupted and there are problems at the interchange between the E313 and E314 in Lummen. Dance festival Extrema Outdoor in Houthalen-Helchteren asks visitors to postpone their arrival until 7 pm or later. Earlier today, streets in Waregem, Sint-Baafs-Vijve, Zulte and Lievegem were already empty.

This afternoon, the RMI announced a warning code orange in the provinces of Antwerp and Limburg. This was also the case in East and West Flanders this morning. “At the beginning of this afternoon, a wave of locally intense showers, sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms, will pass over our country,” according to the RMI. “That will be followed by another series of fairly active showers and thunderstorms from France. In several regions south of Sambre and Maas and as well as in the provinces of Limburg and Antwerp, we expect more than 40 liters of rain per square meter in 6 hours. Locally there is a chance of hail and gusts of wind.”

“The precipitation zone is going to intensify. It is possible that a lot of rain can fall in a short time, and that it will continue to rain on the spot. That can cause problems locally”, VTM weatherwoman Jill Peeters predicted earlier. However, the weatherwoman no longer expects heavy precipitation everywhere. “It’s a bit of an all-or-nothing story: gentle rain in some places, intense persistent showers in others.”

Code orange This afternoon, this applied to Limburg, Antwerp, Liège, Namur and Luxembourg. In other places it is code yellow still in effect. There will also be showers, possibly accompanied by thunder, and about 10 to 30 liters per square meter of rain is expected. The more to the west, the more the shower inclination decreases.

The showers already lingered this morning between West and East Flanders, says weather woman Jill Peeters in VTM NIEUWS. “That was accompanied by thunderstorms, more than 40 liters per square metre. At some measuring points, that is more than they had to process in the entire month of May,” it sounds.

In the area around Lievegem in the Meetjesland near Ghent there is a lot of flooding due to the heavy rainfall. Several streets are flooded and houses are in danger of being flooded. The fire brigade has already made 60 interventions this morning, but expects to be busy all day pumping away the water.

Also To land was hit hard by heavy rainfall. Waasmont, for example, was already under water. A dial-up bus got stuck there and there was a mudslide. Linter also had to deal with a lot of rain. From the fields in Neerhespen a mudslide moved in the direction of the village. In Landen itself, the station was flooded, which meant that train traffic had to be interrupted. The water also flows through the streets in Landen. Mayor Gino Debroux (L’anders) is currently sitting together with the crisis cell.

Did you take pictures of the flooding? Send them to us via [email protected]

Due to heavy rainfall in Bilzen, the line 34 between Hasselt and Tongeren the train traffic interrupted† Replacement buses are being put in. Rail network operator Infrabel announced this this afternoon. Traffic on line 36 between Landen and Ezemaal was previously interrupted due to flooding. That traffic is diverted via Hasselt. The new interruption has no impact on that diversion. Due to the problems on the track, replacement buses are also being installed between Landen and Leuven, a spokeswoman for Infrabel told Belga.

Flooding in Neerhespen. © Laura Puttevils

Heavy downpours also cause problems on the traffic interchange between the E313 and the E314 in Lummen† For traffic on the E314 coming from Liège (to Antwerp) with the E314 towards Leuven and Heerlen, the exit is blocked. The exit of the E313 in the direction of Antwerp to the E314 in the direction of the Netherlands is completely closed due to flooding.

It dance festival Extrema Outdoor in Houthalen-Helchteren is also affected by the heavy rainfall. It has been announced through all communication channels to postpone arrivals at the festival site as much as possible until at least 7 p.m. or later on Sunday. Mayor Alain Yzermans (Vooruit) announced this. He also indicated that the Donderslagweg up to the Hofstraat has been closed due to flooding.

More southern in Limburg there was nuisance in Hoeselt, Gingelom and Riemst. In Millen near Riemst, the rain dragged mud from the fields with it. Several streets in Montenaken (Gingelom) have been flooded. The technical service is busy to close flooded streets. Residents can pick up sandbags from the technical service on Ambachtsweg. Some residents of Herk-De-Stad also suffer from the rain showers. The technical service will prepare the necessary sandbags.

Heavy rainfall also caused flooding in the province of Namur and especially in Andenne. This is reported by the fire brigade of the emergency zone NAGE. The rain started about 1 pm. Several roads were quickly flooded and houses were affected by flooding. Videos on social media show that part of the E42 between Andenne and Namur is also under water.


At 2.30 pm, the fire brigade had about thirty calls for interventions in Andenne, mainly to pump out houses and clear blocked roads. About twenty calls had come in from Eghezée and Assesse.

Weatherman David Dehenauw warned on Sunday morning of a lot of precipitation in a short time, which could cause flooding in certain places. “Because the wind is not really strong, it is also possible that such a shower will linger on site for a longer period of time,” it sounds.

The number 1722 is activated for non-urgent interventions by the fire brigade. The easiest way to request a fire service intervention is via the digital counter† You can also call 1722. The emergency number 112 is only intended for potentially life-threatening situations.

This morning the fire brigade also had to turn out for flooding in various places:

It is impossible to predict in advance where and when the thunderstorm will strike most violently, although Dehenauw does advise people to RMI app to install. “In the app you can indicate your place of residence, after which you will receive a notification when we see that severe thunderstorms are expected in your municipality in the next half hour,” explains the KMI weatherman.

In the course of the afternoon it will become drier first in the southwest and then in the west, Dehenauw predicts. Towards the evening it becomes quieter everywhere, although there is still a chance of rain and thunderstorms, especially in the center and the east. The mercury drops to temperatures between 10 and 13 degrees.

Until this time applies code yellow in your province

• Limburg: until Sunday 8 pm

Antwerp, Flemish Brabant and Brussels: until Sunday 19 o’clock



What does ‘code yellow’ mean?

In case of code yellow, the RMI warns to be ‘vigilant’. A code yellow can be proclaimed for a maximum of 48 hours for the weather phenomenon in question and when there is at least 65 percent certainty that the criteria are met. In this case, a warning is given for thunderstorms with a lot of precipitation in a short time: up to 30 liters of precipitation per square meter in 1 hour.

The fact that code orange was also announced in two provinces is due to the persistent rain in several places: more than 40 liters of precipitation per square meter is expected in 6 hours.

15,000 people without electricity in France

The thunderstorm is the result of a series of heavy rain and thunderstorms that move over our country from France. The storm on Saturday in Rouen cost the life of a woman, who got stuck in her car and was dragged by the water. “The storm will be less severe here, as the temperature is slightly lower here and there are no strong storms. We don’t have to fear hail showers either,” reassures Dehenauw.

15,000 people are still without electricity, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin confirms. Darmanin also reported thirteen minor injuries and two serious injuries, including a 13-year-old girl.

After the weekend

Monday the light remains unstable, with a few showers in the morning. In the afternoon it will become cloudy, with a chance of (thunder) showers especially in the northwest and north. The maximums range from 16 to 21 degrees.

Tuesday it will be changeable with clear spells and a few showers, while there Wednesday a fairly active rain zone is expected. In the course of the day it will pass over the land from the west. Thursday and Friday it should be dry more often (with a chance of a local shower).
