Weather forecast: chance of a lot of rain this week

March put us in a summery mood, but April does what it wants. So get your rain boots out of the closet.

Monday: heavy evening rush hour

Monday is already right: it rains and blows quite a bit. In the north and along the west coast the wind is even stormy. Heavy evening rush hour is expected in the center and south of the country due to the rain. Motorists in North Brabant, Gelderland and Utrecht are expected to be most affected by this.

Rain all week

A heavy morning and evening rush is also expected in the coming days, because it will rain every day this week. Fortunately it never rains all day, but it will be a coming and going of precipitation areas. Tuesday will start with occasional showers, alternating with dry moments. Later in the day, more precipitation areas follow one after the other. Heavy wind gusts in combination with rain will follow on Wednesday and Thursday.


Tuesday and Wednesday will be the ‘warmest’ days of the week, with 10 to 14 degrees. Then the temperature will drop again. It will be only 7 degrees on Friday. And at the end of the week we can expect some winter showers again. Although it won’t be as white as last Friday.

Four seasons in one week

Last week was a very special week in terms of weather. It started with warm weather with almost 20 degrees in some places. But over the course of the week, the temperature dropped so quickly that it was only 5 degrees on Thursday. The many showers even turned into winter showers, with a very white landscape on Friday 1 April.

This is how your make-up stays in place even in the rain:

Source: Weatheronline

Apr 4, 2022
