Weapons factory opened in Ostend inner harbor

Weapons factory opened in Ostend inner harbor

It concerns a brand new mine-fighting factory where both underwater drones are built and unmanned boats for military purposes. 50 people will soon be employed and the company will become important for Ostend, as well as for defense and the navy.

ECA’s state-of-the-art facility in Ostend is collaborating with the French military shipbuilder Naval, which is building our 4 new fragats and 16 minehunters. Eca is a worldwide specialist in robots and drones for military operations. They also make no secret of the fact that they do not make toys.

Eca is French and has been around for almost 90 years. There is also a branch in Mouscron with 15 engineers. In Ostend, Eca is building 6 types of unmanned submarine drones and teleguided boats that autonomously detect and destroy mines with explosives.

Eca is also still looking for workers. The geopolitical situation and the situation around the heavily mined Ukrainian ports of Odessa and Mariupol, for example, already offer prospects for the future. Ostend, together with the mine control school Eguermin, already specializes in mine clearance worldwide.
