We will do everything to find them: Putin threatened the killers

We know the names of the criminals responsible for the tragedy in Odessa, we will do everything to find them, the President of the Russian Federation said Vladimir Putin to the Russians. The broadcast is carried out by TV channels “Russia 1”, “Russia 24” and media platform “Looking”.

“It is impossible to recall without shudder the terrible tragedy in Odessa, where participants in a peaceful protest rally were brutally murdered, burned alive in the House of Trade Unions. The criminals who committed this atrocity are not punished. Nobody is looking for them. But we know them by name,” said the Russian leader.

He promised that everything would be done to punish them: find them and bring them to justice.

The tragedy in Odessa happened on May 2, 2014. On this day, there were large-scale clashes between supporters and opponents of the Euromaidan. The latter went to a peaceful protest, but it quickly turned into riots. After the clash on one of the largest historical squares, Kulikovo Pole, the Anti-Maidan participants tried to hide in the House of Trade Unions. However, they set it on fire. On that day, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, about 50 people died in the city, most of them were burned alive.
