“We will be the first city to apply the Housing Law”

  • The mayor, who admits that the law is “minimum”, advocates being “clear” when defending it “despite the fact that it means confronting speculators”

The mayoress of Barcelona and candidate for reelection by Barcelona En Comú, Ada Colau, has stated that the Catalan capital will be “the first city” in applying the Housing Law “with all the ambition”: “Our pulse will not tremble and we want the others to be just as clear.”

He said so during the presentation of the Barcelona En Comú list for the municipal elections in May, an act held this Sunday in the auditorium of the Barcelona Design Museum.

“We have been putting pressure on and accompanying a government with many contradictions but we knew it had to be the first to regulate the rent. And this this week has finally been achieved”, said the mayoress.

On Friday, ERC and EH Bildu reached an agreement with the coalition government to finalize the new Housing Law, which includes a rent caps in stressed areas from the center of the cities differentiated according to whether they are large or small owners.

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Colau, who has admitted that the law is “of minimums”, has made it clear that “it is not enough to say that you are in favor”, but you have to be “clear” when it comes to uphold the law, “even though it means confronting the speculators.”

However, the mayoress has indicated that the city council will put “all the resources to make the law possible”. “Our practice supports us,” he said.
