“We want to hurt Dortmund again”

After a sobering first series, Borussia Mönchengladbach’s Florian Neuhaus was on the up again recently. The midfielder, like his teammates, seems to have recognized the seriousness of the situation. Before the west duel at BVB on Sunday (from 5:30 p.m. in the LIVE ticker), the national player showed off the new self-confidence of the foals.

The 3-2 win against FC Augsburg last weekend took a load off the shoulders of the Gladbach pros. In Dortmund, Florian Neuhaus and Co. now want to prove that success was not a flash in the pan.

Plus: Coach Adi Hütter’s protégés still have good memories of the upcoming opponents. Gladbach won the first leg in September 1-0.

Neuhaus is confident about the reunion at Signal Iduna Park. “We want to hurt Dortmund again. We know exactly how important this game is in our situation,” said the 24-year-old in an interview with “image” clear.

Gladbach wants to attack BVB

A possible advantage is that you don’t go into the game as a favorite. “The big ones play the game against us – and we then have our strengths in the transition game. This gives us space that suits us,” revealed Neuhaus.

On Thursday evening, the DFB star was already observing opponents when Dortmund played Rangers from Glasgow in the Europa League and went down 2: 4 (0: 2). “Sure, that was a must,” said Neuhaus.

Neuhaus does not comment on rumors about FC Bayern

In the past few months, the midfield player, who has since been banished to the substitute bench, has repeatedly been associated with a farewell from Gladbach. FC Bayern and – of all people – BVB were traded as possible new employers.

Neuhaus responded evasively to a question about his willingness to prematurely extend his contract, which is still valid until 2024. “We are currently in a difficult situation, we have to get out of it first. I like to live in the here and now,” said Borussia.
