We tested twisted bacon nicks – the best way to make bacon

Spiral bacon is the latest addition to bacon making.

Many people think that cooking bacon in the oven is the best way. Adobe Stock

Pepper told past chefs Risto Mikkola and Mika Pikkis Tuomonen from a large bacon test in which men tried different ways to cook bacon. Oven cooking was the overwhelming winner in the test.

But even in the oven, bacon can actually be cooked in more than one way.

The idea for threaded machines comes from From the House of Keto Instagram accountfrom which it has spread to other social media channels and food sites.

By twisting the bacon into spiral-like threads, the baking tray can hold briskly more slices than by placing them evenly on the baking paper. Bacon fried in this way is enough for even a larger family by frying it once, and there is no need to fight for slices anymore.

The delivery of the pepper tested the spiral bacon and the result was a positive surprise.

This is how you make threading machines

The idea of ​​spiral bacon is that even a large family can bake enough bacon in the oven at once for breakfast.

Spiral-wound bacon machines can be placed on top of the baking tray very side by side, as they do not stick to each other easily.

The bacon is lightly wound into a thread, which means that the baking tray can also hold more slices to fry at once. Emmi Niiniaho

It is worth trying the tightness of the thread yourself, but the bacon twisted a little looser will ripen better based on my own experiment.

I baked the bacon according to the instructions in the package in a 220-degree oven for 9 minutes. In the final stage, it is a good idea to monitor the baking result according to the ripeness you want.

The spiral bacon just baked to perfect ripeness. Emmi Niiniaho

Tasting ripe bacon from my mouth spontaneously “this really works”. The bacon had really matured perfectly: ripe on the edges and even at the folds, but a little softer. Normally, I bake the bacon in the oven easily a little too crumbly.

This bacon frying will be used purely for the end result.

The story was originally published on April 28, 2021.

Bacon can also be made with waffle iron! Emmi Niiniaho, Elle Nurmi
