We take them out and break their legs

If you can’t get the squatters to leave in a matter of hours, you have it very bad. The Mossos, legally tied hand and foot, know it and they suggest that you go to ‘de-squatting’ companies to get squatters or tenants who don’t pay you rent out of your house.

This journalist rejected the offer of the ‘de-squatting’ companies, since they come to offer you that “we take them out and break their legs” for a price, which in the end is profitable. And he has ended up paying a few thousand euros to the tenants of an inherited family flat to leave at once, after months of negotiations, with the approval and intermediation of the local council.

The tenants were listed in their files as poor and, therefore, for years they did not pay the electricity, water and gas bills to the energy companies. The council never offered them any social housing. And, instead, he suggested to this owner that she pay for them to leave. How good! And it is that the law proposes to the owners of flats occupied by people with few means that they offer them a social rent, below the market price. Of course, the Administration does not assume the difference, nor anything that serves to compensate the taxpaying owner of the public function that he carries out.

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Great that the PSOE now says that it will change the law to be able to evict by decision of the judge in 48 hours and that the Parliament approves a motion supporting these modifications being processed in Congress! Catalonia leads with 40% the occupation in Spain.

Those who affirm that being able to quickly vacate the flat that our grandfather left us as an inheritance are right is a discourse that shouts the extreme right. The mistake is letting these political groups ‘squat’ the space that should only fill the common sense.
