“We stop corruption, we do not cover it up”

Pedro Sanchez has come out this Monday from suspicions that, without presenting proof, some had launched hours before Isabel Diaz Ayuso. During a conference in Barcelona, ​​the president of Madrid had linked the so-called ‘Mediator case’, which involves a former PSOE deputy who has already left the seat and has been expelled from the party when the facts became known, with the head of the Executive. “I hope that Sánchez has a way to demonstrate that he was never in Tito Berni’s business & rdquor ;, Ayuso has pointed out, referring to the aforementioned former parliamentarian, Juan Bernardo Fuentes Curbelo, accused of bribery, documentary falsification, money laundering, influence peddling and belonging to a criminal organization. Nothing that is known links, not even tangentially, the person investigated with the President of the Government.

“We stop corruption, we do not cover it up & rdquor ;, Sánchez answered the Madrid president during an interview on Tele 5. The president has not cited Díaz Ayuso’s brother, who was investigated at the time due to the high profits he made from importing masks at the worst of the pandemic, but he did has been stopped in the case of Vincent Mari, President of the Consell d’Eivissa. Marí, from the PP, is accused by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor of prevarication, influence peddling and coercion. But his party has not asked her to leave his post. In fact, the leader of the popular, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, shared on sunday table with the. “We have acted round and blunt a few hours after the facts became known in the media,” said the socialist leader.

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This, according to Sánchez, is one of the many issues that separate the PSOE from the PP. On the same day that Vox has registered a new motion of censure, the second in this legislature, the head of the Executive has focused especially on the role of Feijóo in this call, which will not have the leader of the far-right formation as a candidate , Santiago Abascal, but to the economist Ramon Tamames. This time the PP will abstain, unlike what happened in the previous motion, with paul married as leader of the opposition, in which the popular voted against.

The change in the PP

“Feijóo dare not to reject Vox’s motion of no confidence. It is clearly getting closer to Vox& rdquor ;, Sánchez has pointed out. “The interesting thing is the change of the PP with Feijóo. It is the confirmation that the only way he has to govern is in coalition with Vox& rdquor;, added the Prime Minister, who has also played down the importance of the divisions within the government of coalition with Unidas Podemos the reform of the law of ‘only yes is yes’ and military aid to Ukraine (“there can be no equidistance with the attacked & rdquor;, he has argued) and he has been skeptical of most of the surveys, that place the PP at a clear advantage over the PSOE. The “only certain thing & rdquor ;, has said about the outcome of the general elections at the end of the year, is that “there will be a coalition government: either a progressive one or one from the right with the extreme right& rdquor ;.
