We sigh under the heat, fire bombers condemned and Noorderzon culture festival is approaching | daily overview Friday 15 July

Max Houkes, Freddy de Grooth, Tjeerd P, Aimy W. and Ernst Slagter. This is the news from Drenthe and Groningen that you may have missed.

Men who threw firebombs into Sikkom journalist’s home have been convicted

Tjeerd P. (33) and Jaimy W. (32) have been found guilty of attempted murder. In the middle of the night last year, they threw a burning beer bottle filled with turpentine into the home of Sikkom journalist Willem Groeneveld and his partner. Read here what punishment the judge imposed on the two . And click here for Groeneveld’s response to that conviction.

Want to read more Groningen news? then click here .

Will the animals in Wildlands survive under the blazing sun?

Man and animal groan under the heat. In the Wildlands animal park in Emmen, the animals are cooled by their food. Read here how it works .

And do you want to know how to prevent your pet from being caught by the high temperatures? Then click here .

Want to read more Drenthe news? then click here .

This is how you survive the heat at your workplace

The temperature climbs to tropical values. In sectors such as construction, this means watching out for employees – and for employers. Five questions and of course the answers about how to survive the heat at work. click here .

Want to read more economic news? then click here .

The most scoring amateur football player in Groningen has made his last goal

Footballer Freddy de Grooth – aka Freddy Frikandel – of Groninger Boys has stopped playing football. The northern record of 544 league goals will remain in his name for a while, it is expected.

Want to read more sports news? then click here .

You can despise this at the Noorderzon festival in Groningen

Theater, music, unexpected encounters and a lot of fun in the Noorderplantsoen in Groningen. That is the golden formula of the performing arts festival Noorderzon. The ticket sale has started today. Click here for the program enne…. You don’t have to buy a ticket for everything .

Want to read more culture news? then click here .

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Editor’s recommendation

Do you also find it annoying to get into a sweltering car on hot days? Ernst has a handy trick for you. Click here and think about the fingers .
