“We shine brighter when we work together”





On Friday (March 17, 2023) U2’s new album – “Songs Of Surrender” – will be released, a collection of 40 U2 songs in a new form and instrumentalization. To mark the occasion, the two band members Bono and The Edge sat down with Zane Lowe from Apple Music for an interview and talked about, among other things, why their collaboration works so well.

The Edge: “It’s not like Lennon and McCartney where there are two guys [und] the rivalry probably made them better.” He adds, “Besides, they basically do the same thing – singers and songwriters. I compose a lot but I need Bono to complete the song so we complement each other; we never cancel each other out. It’s additive.” The 61-year-old concluded, “So we shine brighter working together than we ever could on our own and I think that’s why the band is still together, as are the friendships . That means the friendships are real and they work.”

Check out the whole interview here:

On March 17th, on the same release date as the Songs of Surrender remake album, the documentary Bono & The Edge: A Sort of Homecoming, With Dave Letterman will also be released on Disney+. In it, Bono reveals according to a report by the Daily Mailthat every U2 member has “thought about leaving the band” at some point in their career. He says: “I’ve definitely thought about leaving U2, every member has. We’ve all thought about it.” Nevertheless, he described the thought of an exit as “the right instinct” “to question whether this should all go further and what it requires of all four members.”




