“We must stress the PSOE to the maximum with the amnesty”


09/16/2023 at 08:12


The PP tries to overcome the days of entanglement and sets out to squeeze the “nervousness” of the PSOE with the amnesty centering the public conversation. “We must maintain the pressure at this moment,” they insist in Genoa

Since the round of contacts for his investiture began two weeks ago, the PP has sought to put the amnesty in focus that Pedro Sánchez could negotiate with the Catalan independentists in exchange for their support. In reality, the starting signal for the debate was given by Vice President Yolanda Díaz meeting with Carles Puigdemont in Brussels and implying that the way was open. From Sumar they have not stopped promoting this path while the PSOE opts for prudence. Later, the Catalan ‘former president’ put the conditions on the table to make Sánchez president at a conference. And that’s where everything ended: amnesty and unilateralism.

In Genoa they believe that the negotiation will go ahead because the leader of the PSOE “will not let the opportunity pass.” In that speech they frame the insistence of the socialists in “continuing to advance to improve the coexistence in Catalonia” now embodied in motions that will be taken to all city councils to counteract the institutional offensive of the PP.

They also consider that “nervousness” that is experienced in the socialist ranks – although no position of current relevance has criticized the acting president – has become visible this week with the big names of the ‘old guard’ of the PSOE, from Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra to Elena Valenciano , stirring. The party decided to announce the suspension of militancy of a historic figure like Nicolás Redondo. Or in the fact, they also insist in the PP, that the minister spokesperson called a “coup plotter” to José María Aznar for calling for social and civic mobilization against a future amnesty law.

Despite all that, The week went wrong for the PP on account of tangle which he had for his first street action against Sánchez and just 48 hours after Feijóo’s investiture debate.

In Genoa they wanted to stage some mobilization, but those words from Aznar precipitated the events. So much so that in the following days the party had to adjust the format of the event, showing that it was neither closed nor were they clear about what they would do. “We did not improvise because of Aznar’s words,” they say in Genoa. “But it caused a bit of discomfort by interfering with the plans,”, other voices add. This Friday there was a scene of seamless unity between the two. Aznar will also be supporting Feijóo on the 24th with Mariano Rajoy.

In the end it will be a party event, with PP acronyms and Feijóo’s speech, but open to citizens who want to join as a protest. A rally with a concentration included and without becoming a banner demonstration. The conservatives thus seek exclude Vox of his initiative and, at the same time, capitalize on the “popular outcry” that may be on the street under Feijóo’s project.

Since it will take place two days before the leader’s speech in Congress, in Genoa they advance that he will give general outlines of what he will defend at his investiture. The pillars are clear: that he will not be president at any price, that he will not accept “blackmail” of the independentists through amnesties or other tools that erase their crimes, and that he will defend above all the defense of all the territories. “Just what Sánchez will not do,” summary.

That event on September 24 will be the culmination to the last week before the investiture. The weeks have been long for the PP after Feijóo received the order from the King. Above all, because after comings and goings the Galician leader announced that he intended to “save himself & rdquor; the meeting with Junts taking into account the price that Puigdemont set to give his support. “It is impossible and unacceptable. “We can save it,” he said in an appearance. The PP was not going to meet with Bildu in any case, and ERC rejected the meeting. Therefore, meetings with parliamentary groups were already very limited. The PNV will be this Monday in Congress.

Regardless of the agenda that is finalized these days, the PP is determined to “stress to the maximum” the debate on amnesty. They understand that even though the PSOE wanted to avoid it, “it already monopolizes the entire public conversation” and that their job as the opposition is to “keep it alive and at the top,” concludes a veteran leader.

The conviction in the PP is that “many socialist voters are not convinced by the amnesty at all” and even less so if Junts does not stop raising the price. The PP will closely follow the response that Europe will give on the 19th when it studies the use of Catalan, Basque and Galician among the official languages ​​of Europe, after the request of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to comply with the commitment made with the nationalists to change of making Francina Armengol president of Congress.

Many believe that it is a toast to the sun because unanimity is required from the member countries and, for example, Sweden has already shown its reluctance. But the PP believes that A slam of the door would ‘warm up’ Junts again. To the point, popular sources say, that the acceleration of the use of languages ​​in Congress without having approved the reform of the regulations is assumed “along the same lines.”
