“We must keep America gay”: Trump slips | Bizarre

Trump called the FBI’s investigation against him a “hoax,” called for a Republican vote and again lashed out at the Democratic Party and President Joe Biden. “The choice in November is simple. If you want America’s decline and downfall, you have to vote for the crazy radical left Democrats. And that’s who they are. If you want to stop the destruction of our country and save the American dream, you have to vote Republican. Joe Biden and the Democratic arsonists don’t give a damn about the pain and suffering they bring to you, your family or our once great country.”

And then Trump wants to paraphrase his well-known slogan ‘Make America Great Again’, but he slips. Instead of ‘great’ he says: “We have to keep our country gay”, followed by some incoherent sounds. Trump’s opponents eagerly share the images, and many also declare that this is a statement of his that they can support.
