“We have to be connected with the public”

06/12/2022 at 21:27


The base of Morón recognized the environmental factor that the Palau can have

He also pointed out that his usual site is the base, not the escort

The base of the Barça Nico Laprovittola assured this Sunday that the Catalan team will have to “be connected with the public” of the Palau Blaugrana in the final of the Endesa League to, in this way, take advantage of the court factor.

“The Palace has pushed us and brought us to the finals, and will push us to end up winning. We have to be positive. Inside the track, we have to be connected with the public, which is another advantage”, valued the Argentine player in the official presentation of the final.

The point guard from Morón assured that equality in the series against Real Madrid is guaranteed: “We are talking about two great teams that know each other very well, two rivals that are going to give everything. There is no doubt that the difference in games at this level It’s the details.”

“I’ve played point guard all my life. Apart from the fact that this season I was at Calathes’ side for a long time, this is my natural positionI feel comfortable,” he said. laprovittola on the fact of having returned to occupy the position of ‘1’ for a longer time after the recovery of Cory Higgins.

The Barça player defined the sensations with which Barça arrives at the event: “With sensations of having learned to sufferof knowing that we have to be solid, that we don’t have to lose concentration”.

“When Barça is connected for 40 minutes, playing our way, we are a very difficult team to beat. We have to stay on this line. If we do it, the sensations are always good”, he concluded. laprovittola.
