We have never seen farmer Hans so happy before: ‘It happened in a week’

The gas went out on Sunday evening at Boer Zoekt Vrouw, two weeks before the last episode. Choices were made, visits were made to families, bunches of flowers were handed out and keys to hotel rooms were handed over. And if anyone still doubts the love happiness of our Brabant farmer Hans and his Annette: take a good look at the photo above. BOD expert Steffi is also sure: Hansel has found his Grietje.

Written by

Jacky Goossens

It had happened in a week, as farmer Hans explained the romantic images of him and Annette on a bench on the coast of Zeeland at a setting sun. She has won his heart just by being who she is. And what does it matter to her that he calls the Zeeland bolus a ‘bonus’: she is overjoyed with the morning kiss she ‘hasn’t had in so long’.

“It’s so beautiful what Annette says and Hans goes along with her positive flow. He already called her ‘darling’ a few times, the children were doing well, this just can’t go wrong. You see him shine. The fairy tale of ‘they lived happily ever after’ is coming true”, says Steffi.

If there has been a lot of speculation about one moment of choice in the past week, it is that of farmer Evert, does he choose Maud or Nans? It really could have gone either way, but Evert was already out of it. And Maud was right: that heart on the head of the calf was a sign. Evert has fallen head over heels for her. Beautiful!

Steffi: “I really jumped on the couch! She makes up for those twenty years that Evert was alone in one go. He likes her so much and takes her as she is. And she broadens his world, that’s what makes it so great. So you see that there is no manual for love. If people like each other, anything is possible. I would say: see you next year, at the wedding.”

Sheep farmer Janine had to choose between Sander and Christiaan. Completely lost from all the worrying, she told Yvon that Christiaan ‘did her a little more’. And then choose Sander anyway. huh? While visiting his family in the far north, we may have seen the real Janine for the first time: a sociable, cheerful, warm girl who was immediately taken in by the Frisian family.

“I think she meant that she was more physically attracted to Christiaan,” Steffi explains. “But a lot more happened between her and Sander so I would have been surprised if she hadn’t chosen him. You also saw another Janine when she visited Sander and his family in Friesland. Much more relaxed, the pressure was off. It’s not up to him, he gives her time, but it remains exciting how this will continue.”

Farmer Jouke felt completely at home at the Brabant kitchen table of Karlijn and her family. But hey, there’s no other way. They have started their city trip and seem to be having a good time together. Although it doesn’t really shine in front of the cameras yet, Steffi sees it.

“They are in love, we can be brief about that. But the camera is indeed a kind of unwanted third person. I think Jouke is a bit done with the whole circus. He didn’t say for nothing that he would prefer to sit with her in a hut on the heath,” Steffi laughs.

Finally, farmer Rob. Steffi lets out a deep sigh when he comes up with it. And what can you actually say about it. Rob is head over heels in love, but Wendy wants to sleep in two separate rooms on a city trip. Still, the disappointed Rob keeps his spirits up. Also handsome again.

“It’s all uncomfortable, but I understand Rob,” says Steffi. “He’s a hotel debot and hopes Wendy will fall in love with him just as much. But what I don’t understand about her: why are you going on a city trip if you don’t want to sleep in a room with him? Then she would have been better off staying home. Let’s just say this isn’t going in the right direction.”
