“We have made an enormous display of character”


06/18/2023 at 10:16 p.m.


The Barca coach wanted to highlight his team’s attitude in the close victory against Real Madrid (86-85)

Regarding the 2-0 overall, Jasikevicius admitted not knowing “how it will affect” the remainder of the final

Barça’s coach, Sarunas Jasikevicius, he highlighted the “character” exhibited by his players in the narrow victory this Sunday against Real Madrid (86-85), which places the blaugrana 2-0 in the Endesa League final.

The players have made a huge display of character, they have not given up. Things have gotten difficult and we have been able to pull it off. In such a difficult match, in which both teams show so much sacrifice, winning is an incredible feeling,” reflected the Lithuanian coach.

From the press room of the Palau Blaugrana, Jasikevicius admitted not knowing “how it will affect” the result in the remainder of the finaland commented that “at no time” did he see “the game lost or won”, because both teams have the ability to score quick partials “at the minimum that goes out of the script”.

It’s time to calm down, recover physically and especially mentally. In 48 hours another game starts. You have to think about the details, which at this point decide the parties. The rival is another team that has a lot of pride, they will play in front of their fans and they will make things difficult for us,” he added.

Saras thanked the fans for their support: “I’ve been at this club for a long time as a player and as a coach. Sounds loud, but we’ve never seen an environment like this. The Palau always shows its face in important matches. Being so old and small, the acoustics are a plus.”

On the last possession of the match, the Barça coach acknowledged that they expected Sergio Llull to play it for them: “We have planned three options that Madrid usually does. Llull arrived hot at the end and after winning the Euroleague like that it was clear that he had more options”.
