‘We have been living in uncertainty for four years’: Izegemnaren still have many questions about Ventilus

‘We have been living in uncertainty for four years’: Izegemnaren still have many questions about Ventilus

Ventilus is the controversial high-voltage line that cuts across the province to distribute electricity from offshore wind farms to land. In Izegem, this concerns about 80 families and companies within 100 meters along the planned route. About fifty are at the meeting this morning.

“Lots of Questions”

They prefer to see the process completely underground and still have many questions about health and promised compensation from the government. “We have been living in uncertainty for four years and that uncertainty remains. It is incomprehensible that the Flemish government is not providing more clarity there. And is effectively looking with the companies at what the impact will be,” says Frederik Vandenberghe of Skyline Communications, a company along the E403 in Izegem.


“Why can’t it be done underground there? What are the compensatory measures? What about the compensation scheme? How is the exact route going? Where will the pylons be? These are all open questions,” says mayor Bert Maertens.

There will be official information moments about the permit procedure at a later date. The parties involved will then also be able to submit objections during the public inquiry.

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