“We had to tell everyone we had lost the baby”

Mike and Zara Tindall experienced a late-term miscarriage in 2016.

Former rugby player Mike Tindall says in the fresh of The Times challenging his life as part of the British royal family. Tindall is married to a king Charles’s little sister by Zara Tindall with.

In the interview, Tindall talks about the grief he experienced years ago, when Zara’s pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in the fifth month in December 2016.

Hovi had announced about the future baby the previous month.

– We had to tell everyone that we had lost the baby. A life like ours meant we had to make it public, Tindall opens up.

Mike and Zara Tindall have experienced two miscarriages. PDO

According to Tindall, dealing with the loss of a child was particularly difficult because the pregnancy had already progressed relatively far.

First daughter of Mike and Zara Tindall Mia was only a month or three years old at the time. Mike Tindall says that he is thankful that there was no miscarriage with the first child.

– We came home from the hospital and Mia was there with a big smile on her face, we gave her all our love. It would have been a completely different situation if we had returned to an empty house, Tindall describes.

The couple had to experience yet another miscarriage before the birth of their second child. Lena was born in June 2018. Third child Lucas was born in March 2021.

Mike and Zara Tindall are now parents of three children. PDO

Princess I give daughter Zara and Mike Tindall got married in the summer of 2011.

In the interview with The Times, Tindall also talks about his father, who has Parkinson’s disease, and his rugby career, among other things.

Source: The Times, Daily Mail
