“We do not kneel before those who hate democracy”

After agreeing on the amnesty law with ERC, the PSOE has done the same with Junts per Catalunya and has resolved the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as president of the Government. The agreement includes important demands of the post-convergents, such as the international mediator and the concept of ‘lawfare’ in the amnesty law. The PP has published a manifesto todaytitled ‘In defense of the equality of all Spaniards’, which concludes with the phrase: “Spain does not give up.”

Spain – writes the PP – is “a cry for equality, dignity, justice, coexistence and diversity.” “In every corner of our territory we say: No to privilege. No to impunity. No to amnesty”. This is how Feijóo’s party begins the text, which insists that “45 years ago we Spaniards massively approved a Constitution with which we built a democracy of free and equal citizens, based on unity and plurality, with public powers subject to the law and the rule of law. We become an example throughout the world. And we will be again with this firm and serene reaction of the Spanish people to attack suffered by our Magna Carta“, the division of powers and the very foundations of our democracy.”

“Sanchez lost”

The PP considers that the threat has redoubled. In your opinion, Sánchez “lost the elections and with the sole intention of perpetuating himself in power, he has placed himself at the head of the independence movement that seeks to defeat the State, seeking to break equality among Spaniards, muzzling judges and prosecutors and humiliating our country. Feijóo, indeed, won the elections, but was unable to muster a sufficient majority to be sworn in as president.

“They are selling the freedom and equality of Spaniards and they do it as criminals usually do: secretly, hiding, deceiving.” “The governance of our country – the text continues – has been decided outside our country. They have left Spain in their attempt to destroy Spanish democracy. They don’t show their face. We do. We don’t hide. We do not kneel before those who hate democracy. We are not going far away either, but rather we go out to the streets and squares of our nation, proud of our democracy, proud of our judges, our police officers, our citizens, our Constitution. “Proud of Spain.”

Challenge to democracy

The PP considers that the current political situation is “a challenge” to democracy. “Those who today look the other way and do nothing, even though they are aware of the seriousness of the attack, will regret in the future having been complicit in their passivity at a key moment in our history.”

“Do we want to live in that broken and unequal Spain that they have agreed upon far from Spain? Do we want a nation like this for our children? No. We want freedom, equality and coexistence to continue marking our horizon,” the statement highlights.

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The PP insists that they will fight “the battle against impunity” in institutions, parliaments, courts of law, in the EU and also in the streets. He adds that they will do it “in a peaceful, civil and legitimate way.” “The indignation we feel must become a cry that is heard throughout Spain and reaches all friendly democracies. Because European democracy is at stake when Spanish democracy is in danger,” they explain.

“They want our silence, but they will have a calm and firm response. We are convinced that Spanish democracy will prevail. Someday history will tell that Spain stood up, with serenity and firmness, to say enough is enough and to defend equality among Spaniards,” the manifesto concludes.
