“We do not accept this. It only has one name: indignity”

He PP refused to call it a demonstration, but this Sunday’s event in Madrid was very similar to that. 48 hours before the investiture debate of Alberto Núñez Feijóo begins, doomed to failure in the absence of four votes that seem impossible to obtain, The PP exhibited a great response in the street against the negotiations of Pedro Sánchez and the independentists that began in Felipe II Square in the capital and spread to all the surrounding streets: Narváez, Alcalá and Goya. The party’s calculations exceeded expectations: 40,000 people, according to the Government Delegation and 60,000 for the organizers. The image of the call, in any case, was that of overcrowding. “Puigdemont, to prison” was the phrase most chanted by the public in the capital throughout the morning.

Feijóo, supported by former presidents José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy; the Madrid president, Isabel Diaz Ayusoand the rest of the regional leaders, were forceful: “Even if it costs me the presidency of the Government, I will continue to defend that Spain is a group of free and equal citizens. This is about principles, rights and equality. No one is more than anyone else in the constitutional Spain,” he assured.

He harshly attacked Pedro Sánchez and “the current PSOE”, of which he said “they are neither progressive, nor socialist, nor are they the majority even though they have invented this new noisemaker.” The square roared. “This is regression. It is not socialism when they try to establish privileges for an elite of politicians to the detriment of everyone else. They call convergence with Europe eliminating sedition crimes in the Penal Code. They call the amnesty normalization and they call losing, winning,” he continued.

“I say don’t call us Spaniards stupid. We don’t swallow this. What they do has only one name: indignity. And he only has a few accomplices: the current PSOE. And there is only one person responsible: the one who is in the Moncloa Palace after having lost the elections,” concluded the PP leader, causing one of the main applauses of the morning.

Feijóo’s speech advanced some axes of his investiture speech, scheduled for this Tuesday in Congress, although at many moments it seemed like an election campaign rally. He charged at him “nonsense of the earphones in Congress” garnering new applause, and reproached the PSOE for “the fallacy” that “the independence movement has to be decisive for governability.”

“If in Spain there is a government based on inequality, it will only be its irresponsibility. It is a lack of moral and political integrity“, he concluded. Feijóo wanted to publicly thank the “33 deputies from Vox, the Canarian Coalition and the UPN” for their support in next week’s investiture. And he also thanked “those members of the Socialist Party who are defending “They may be expelled and singled out, but for the majority of Spaniards they are men and women of state,” he concluded. The names of Felipe González, Alfonso Guerra and Nicolás Redondo came up at different times during the event.

Ayuso, Aznar and Rajoy

Ayuso opened the event after a few words from Mayor José Luis Martínez-Almeida, intoning a new “enough is enough” with the phrase “no way” that a good part of the attendees ended up repeating. “To say amnesty is to say that Spain is an oppressive dictatorship. We no longer swallow this. “No way,” she began.

The Madrid president repeated it: “If Sánchez allows himself to be humiliated, so be it. But we, in no way”. Faithful to his style of confrontation with the acting president and his associates in Congress, he sent a clear message: “We defend the Spain of our parents, our grandparents, from the left and the right. Now they deny his example, his sacrifice, the Transition. Are we going to let them change this Spain for one of resentful Spain? “He asked himself. Our union is their defeat. We will not allow them to continue rewarding disloyal and traitors. Some of us turned our heads and others bowed our heads. “Are we going to let them win?” The harangues went off.

Aznar, heavily criticized in recent days by members of the Government after encouraging social mobilization against the future amnesty, defended himself: “We say it loud and clear. We do not come to protest but to express our convictions. “We have to prevent an unprecedented attack from being consumed,” he said. “AND It is unprecedented because it does not come only from the enemies of the Constitution“But from a party that has the obligation to defend it and does not do so,” he insisted, harshly attacking the PSOE. The final message, looking at the Catalan independentists, was forceful: “The only historical debt “The only thing that exists is what the secessionists have with Spanish democracy, which they have not paid and they have to pay.”

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Rajoy, just after Aznar, also vindicated the right of the PP to take to the streets: “We are here to say that the law must be complied with. Minorities cannot impose their privileges. We all know that amnesty does not fit into the Constitution. And it is the same thing that Sánchez said. The only thing that has changed is that he needs Puigdemont’s votes. “It’s the only difference,” the former president launched. “And in addition to being unconstitutional, it’s also a fraud. She wasn’t on anyone’s program. And above all it is a fraud for those who voted for him. “This amnesty is an amendment to the entirety of our Constitution,” he repeated.

He also took the opportunity to vindicate his Government’s actions in the worst years of the independence movement after a few days ago Sánchez, from New York, assured that he never agreed to judicialize the process despite giving his support to apply the article 155. “I believe that the only thing that improved coexistence in Catalonia was the application of the law. Now They will call impunity reliefagreement to the imposition and progressivism to the most rancid inequality. “We are here to say that not everything goes,” she concluded.
